Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Cuba is Locked Down

Apa-apan ini? Cuba is Locked Down? Setan alas kali tinggi bagi dua jadi bingung dah ane.. Aneh tiba-tiba terjadi begitu saja, pasti banyak orang yang heran dan ga tau sebab musabab kenapa Cuba di Lock!

Sejak tadi siang 3 March 2011, bersamaan dengan berakhirnya misi "Crisis in Cuba", ketika kita travel ke Cuba malah nongol screen kayak gambar dibawah dengan tulisan:

The Neo-Imperium now controls all acess to Cuba, making trvel impossible. Discover the criminal organization behind this operation.

Google translate bilang: Neo-Imperium sekarang mengendalikan acess semua ke Kuba, membuat trvel mustahil. Temukan organisasi kriminal di balik operasi ini. wkwkwkw..
Cuba is Locked Down

Berdasar opini saya aja sih.. ini cuma sementara aja.. ini cuma bagian dari cerita Crisis in Cuba dan Massacre in Moscow! Jadi santai aja gan, tinggalkan dulu Cuba untuk sementara dan ikuti ceritanya. Saya pikir ini cuma terkunci sementara aja!

Tapi ya buat jaga-jaga juga.. kalau memang belum beres Moscow ada waktu satu minggu buat geber..

Tapi saya mah yakin:
  1. Cuma bagian dari misi aja.
  2. Shock therapy aja biar pada nyelesein old city, soalnya pasti banyak yang belum beres apa lagi para jobber.
  3. Viral marketing, dengan adanya sesuatu yang mengejutkan seperti ini pasti bakal rame media-media info tainment, hehehe..
Secara kalau mau di lock selamanya pasti ada pemberitahuan secara official dari jauh-jauh hari, ga akan mendadak kayak gini.. betul tidak?

We will see..

Apa pendapat anda? Ada yang mendapat informasi official tentang ini?

Yuk gan ah ane mau maen Point Blank lagi.. wkwkwk..


Cuba in Crisis Mission Event 411 and FAQ

Updated 03/02/2011 06:21 PM
Cuba in Crisis – Mission Event
***Important Notice***
The mafia development team is aware of a problem that is preventing users from gaining access to the Cuba in Crisis Mission. At this moment the Zynga Support Team does not have a workaround to this particular however a fix to this problem will be introduced shortly. Thank you for your understanding while this problem is addressed.
Seasons change, and in March, Mafia Wars will change in an unprecedented way.
Q: Cuba is closing, why?
A: We have some major things coming up in March, and part of the storyline involves the closing down of Cuba ‘A major disruption is about to happen. A powerful, new criminal organization is wreaking havoc on the current world order. This has caused an uprising in Cuba where all Mafia bosses will be deported. It will soon be revealed where and why this new criminal organization, the Neo-Imperium, is disrupting Cuba.’

Q: What do you mean closing?
A: Cuba will no longer be accessible. It will be grayed out on the travel menu and any attempts to get to Cuba will be stopped with a popup.  You will not be able to vault or revault Cuba collections.  You will not be able to collect from Cuba properties or access the Cuba bank.  You will not be able to complete Cuba achievements.  You will not be able to fight or rob in Cuba.
Q: When will this happen?
A: Cuba will be closing on March 3rd.
Q: Is this permanent?
A: Cuba will be closed for the foreseeable future.
Q: When does Crisis in Cuba start/end?
A: This event starts late Wednesday night, February 23rd.  As with all events, the release will be gradual to ensure stability.  (Not all players will have access initially)
Q: What if I have finished Cuba already?
A: In order to complete Cuba in Crisis mission, you will need to loot Prop 4′s. This will only drop in jobs and fights (but not robs) in Cuba. Completing the mission will award you with the Special Mastery Item, an Embargo Net that will result in an additional 10% cash in .
Q: What if I haven’t finished Cuba already?
A: In addition to the Prop 4′s, you will receive 5x Mastery on unmastered jobs. You might also want to ask for Politico Corruptos from your friends.  Mastered jobs reward you with a skill point.
In addition, there are Mastery Items for mastering each tier (El Rey Roadster, Guerilla Commando, Avispa Machine Gun, Che’s Beret, Cocodrilo, and Cazador Assault Rifle)  If you haven’t vaulted the Cuba collections, each of them offer a permanent addition to your skill.
*Rum Drinks Collection initial vault = + 8 Energy
*Tropical Fruits Collection initial vault = +3 Stamina
*Entertainers Collection initial vault = +10 Health
*Tropical Fish Collection initial vault = +5 Attack
*Beards Collection initial vault = +7 Defense
There are also Cuba achievements that offer a skill point for completion.
Q: What if I don’t finish Cuba in time?
A: Your Cuba progress will be frozen.
Q: I like fighting in Cuba!
A:  The Cuba version of fighting will also be closed for the foreseeable future.
Customer Support is not authorized to offer any compensation to players who do not complete Cuba before it closes.  If you have any feedback or opinions about this event, please visit – http://getsatisfaction.com/mafia_wars/
Source: http://zynga.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4030/kw/cuba closing down

2 Komentar:

-Prahasta Abenk- mengatakan...

i guess, persiapan untuk april mop juga

Darma mengatakan...

aku juga dah main PB , bos

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